New haven rising is:
People Power.
New Haven Rising is a community organization of residents committed to winning economic, racial, and social justice through collective action.
New Haven Rising is a community organization of residents committed to winning economic, racial, and social justice through collective action.
Our Fight
New Haven Rising fights for good jobs for New Haven residents, increased revenue, safe streets, and opportunities for city youth.
After launching our Jobs Campaign in 2014, New Haven Rising and our allies secured 1,000 good jobs for New Haven residents, full time with benefits, at Yale University.
Our organization started in 2011 with 250 people and has grown every year since.
In 2019, we won a jobs agreement with Yale University that will give $40 million back to neighborhoods of need in the form of both wages and benefits.
New Haven Rising partners with local unions and community organizations to build collective power.
To receive updates on what New Haven Rising is up to and events coming up join our e-mail list below. For those who want to become a member of New Haven Rising click the button below and an organizer will be in contact with you.